The Bid Comparison Spreadsheet is an Excel Spreadsheet (XLS format) that allows you to enter in the itemized bids from the final three bidding contractors. Sophisticated macros within the spreadsheet highlight, in red and green colors, the high and low bids for each individual item. This feature allows you to quickly see the danger areas in each bid. In addition, the spreadsheet shows you the highest and lowest amount the home could be built for if you total the respective individual high and low amounts for each line item in the spreadsheet. Here is a small section of the spreadsheet you will receive.

The Excel Spreadsheet is available to you as an immediate download once your order is approved. After completion, you will be taken to a page with a download link for the spreadsheet file. In addition, you will receive a confirming email. In the Cart Items section of the email, there will be a download link. Just click on the link and the file will be downloaded to your computer in the Microsoft Excel file format. This is not a PDF format file.
We are so confident that you will enjoy and benefit from this spreadsheet that we guarantee your satisfaction, with our no-hassle, no questions asked return policy.