Gray Water System Diagram
A gray water system diagram is an UPGRADE option that must be ordered with a normal riser diagram.
A gray water system requires me to draw two separate systems separating the black toilet water from all other fixtures in the house.
Select the correct DWV riser diagram based on the number of full bathrooms you have, then ADD this product to your cart if you want me to separate your gray water from the water that enters your septic tank. The price quoted here is for a home with 3 full bathrooms or LESS. If you have more bathrooms, the price will be $100 extra per bathroom.
The gray water will dump onto the ground outside your home. Don't pipe it to a buried dry well. Solids in the gray water will soon render the well useless.
You have to decide how you'll use it, put it in tanks, send it to a garden irrigation system, etc.
Note that gray water systems will often CLOG standard pumps with grease, toothpaste, food scraps, latex paint strands, hair, etc.
BEWARE what you read on the Internet about gray water systems being all unicorns and rainbows.